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並倡導政府、商界和民間加強協作,共建無障礙的社會環境,以達致「平等貢獻,傷健共融」的目標。 www.inclusive.org.hk 稅務局慈善機構參考編號: 91/11809 本會工作運動康復
本會先後成立由視障和聽障人士組成的「猛龍長跑隊」、「猛龍單車隊」及「猛龍毅行隊」,宣揚逆境自強精神,並讓殘障人士透過參與體育活動,鍛煉身心和提升自我; 隊員亦積極參與慈善賽事,平等貢獻社會。 教育充權 知識和技能可以改變命運。我們致力支援殘障人士家庭及其健全子女,為超過100個家庭、接近120名中小學生定期提供一對一的功課解難和個人成長輔導,並組織各類親子活動,促進學生的身心發展和家庭成員之間的溝通。另外,本會安排傷殘講者到校舉行分享會,每年到訪超過40間中小學,接觸逾6000名學生,傳遞傷健共融及逆境自強的訊息。 文藝參與 本會與不同的夥伴合辦文化及藝術活動,提升殘障人士對藝術的欣賞能力,並豐富他們的文化生活和體驗。我們協助組織及策劃一年一度的盲人觀星傷健營,並每年定期組識文化藝術體驗活動,如陶瓷製作、扭氣球、一人一故事劇場、魔術表演及手語歌等等。 共融科技 推廣通用設計及無障礙科技,研發輔助科技和流動應用程式,以助殘疾人士提升生活質素和獨立生活能力。 |
Mission & VisionThe Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society (HKNPIS) was founded as a non-profit organization in July 2011 by a group of passionate people with disabilities, social workers and professionals.
Our mission is to facilitate equal participation of persons with disabilities in the community, and realize a more inclusive and altruistic society. We facilitate equal participation in sports, education & training as well as arts and culture and technology applications. We also actualize the collaboration of the Government, businesses and civil society on creating an accessible environment that is conducive to our ultimate goal of “equal contributions for an inclusive society”. (IR File No.: 91/11809) Our workSports Rehabilitation
“Fearless Dragon Running Team”, “Fearless Dragon Cycling Team” and “Fearless Dragon Trailwalker Team” were set up to encourage people with disabilities to train up their bodies and minds, and to enhance their self-confidence. Team members also take part in charitable races to contribute to the community. Education & Empowerment Knowledge and skills can change destiny. We support the children of parents with disabilities by providing one-on-one tutoring and personal growth counseling for more than 100 families (nearly 120 primary and secondary school students). We also organize various parent-child activities to promote the physical and mental health of students, and facilitate the communication between family members. In addition, our disabled speakers regularly organize school talks to convey messages of inclusiveness and self-improvement We have been visiting more than 40 primary and secondary schools each year, reaching over 6,000 students. Arts & Culture A range of arts and cultural activities were organized with our partners, in order to enhance the disabled’s capability of art appreciation and enrich their cultural life and experiences. Every year, our member will participate in the Stargaze Camp, and regularly organize cultural and artistic experiential activities, such as ceramic production, twisting balloons, playback theatres, magic and sign language songs performances. Universal Design Technology The adoption of universal design technologies in the community empower disabled people to achieve independent living through gaining access to information and communication. |